Monday, Jan. 09, 1928
Hoover's Edge
Like other G. O. Politicians in other states (New York, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Ohio) Senator Walter Evans Edge of New Jersey expressed his disappointment over President Coolidge's withdrawal by a silence which seemed to say that he favored an uninstructed delegation. But last week, out came Senator Edge with the following statement: "Speaking personally, with the President eliminated, I heartily favor the nomination of Secretary Hoover."
Hoover men, fearful already lest they get their man too far in front too soon, mostly dissembled the joy that Senator Edge had given them. But dissembling was hard, because: Senator Edge's first cousin is President Walter Clark Teagle of the Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey; oil companies have offices near Wall Street; if Wall Street takes to Hoover, so can politicians . . . etc., etc.
Wrote able Correspondent Clinton W. Gilbert of the New York Evening Post: "It may well prove to be the turning point. . . ."