Monday, Jan. 09, 1928
New Senator
To fill the U. S. Senate seat of the late Andrieus Aristieus Jones (TIME Jan. 2), Governor Dillon of New Mexico last week appointed Bronson Murray Cutting, a 39-year-old Harvard bachelor, Santa Fe citizen, Manhattan clubman. The late Senator Jones was a Democrat. The new Senator Cutting is a Republican--with a difference. Mr. Cutting admired Mr. Jones and supported him in politics. For 15 years Mr. Cutting has published the Santa Fe Daily New Mexican and El Neuvo Mexicano (weekly in Spanish) and with them has supported four Democratic and two Republican gubernatorial candidates. He was a Roosevelt "Bull Mooser" as well as an anti-Wilsonite. "Independent" describes him better than "Republican". He acknowledged "a heavy responsibility" as he entrained last week for Washington to present his credentials and take a seat which, though it will be across the aisle from where Senator Jones used to sit, and though the new name on the roll-call will come right after Republican-leader Curtis, will make the new Republican majority (47* to 46 to 1) more stenographic than actual. If Senator Cutting takes kindly to the Senate and wants to stay there he will have to campaign for re-election next November.
* Without Republican Senators-suspect Vare of Pennsylvania and Smith of Illinois, who have been neither seated or succeeded.