Monday, Jan. 16, 1928
To Heidelberg
Heidelberg University--known to theatre-goers as the scene of The Student Prince, known to the learned world as the oldest of famed German universities--will receive $400,000 from the U. S. Aroused by the university's needs, U. S. Ambassador to Germany Jacob Gould Schurman, once a Heidelberg student, last week undertook to raise the fund. Founded in 1385, surrounded by wooded hills on which the ruins of Heidelberg Castle in the state of Baden still stand, Heidelberg finds that antiquity and a picturesque setting cannot provide for material needs. The main building is cluttered with debris. New buildings, lecture rooms for 200 students are needed.
In 1912 the Baden Ministry of Education proposed building, but the War prevented. Last summer the Ministry appealed to the Diet, which could not promise an appropriation for two years. Americans provided a student home. Ambassador Schurman's fund will provide for future needs.
If all the European universities at which he has studied appeal to him, Professor-Ambassador Schurman (onetime President of Cornell University) will have to provide for the universities of London, Paris, Edinburgh, Berlin, Gottingen.