Monday, Jan. 23, 1928

'"Great Caesar''s Anchors!"

COMMONWEALTH (British Commonwealth of Nations)

'"Great Caesar's Anchors!"

A choice, tangy naval skipper is Rear-Admiral Ernest Augustus Taylor, 52, blunt, peppery and retired into politics. As Commander of the battle cruiser Renown he carried Edward of Wales to Canada (1919) and to Australia and New Zealand (1920). Smart Americans have met Admiral Taylor in Manhattan as the guest of Art-Tycoon Otto Kahn.

Therefore aristocrats of several continents harkened and were diverted, last week, when Ernest Augustus Taylor flayed at a Conservative rally in London the motives which caused U. S. President Calvin Coolidge to convene his recent, abortive Naval Limitations Parley at Geneva (TIME, Aug. 15).

Cried Admiral Taylor: "I believe the whole conference was a political stunt. I don't believe America went there meaning to reduce armaments. The sooner America knows we are not going to be humbugged the better it is. I may appear to be attacking America. Make no mistake--I AM attacking her. America is within her rights to build as she pleases, but if she does she is putting back the hands of the clock. . . ."

Characteristically, Skipper Taylor concluded: "Great Caesar's anchors! . . . If we and the United States would only pull together . . . we could rule the world and enforce peace."