Monday, Feb. 06, 1928
Dr. Little's Doing
He failed in his first examination for the doctorate of science. He knew he could pass it, but he had attended a celebration the night before. And, having ideas of his own, he refused to "beat the system." Later he took the degree, be came Research Associate of the Cancer Commission, Assistant Dean of Harvard, Assistant Director of the Carnegie Institute's Station for Experimental Evolution at Washington, Captain in aviation, Presi dent of the University of Maine. At 37, a university president for the second time, he shocked Michigan conservatives by publicly advocating birth control, became Director of the American Birth Control League, President of the International Neo-Malthusian League. In spare moments he surprises mice and guinea pigs, studying their heredities and acquired characteristics. He is Clarence Cook Little, President of the University of Michigan since 1925. One expects such a man to keep on doing the unexpected. Last week he did it again, announced plans for a new uni versity beside and besides the one he already runs. U. S. universities have long been criticized because their effects wear off so soon. At Michigan, President Little hopes to change all this, will keep the alumni brains a-bubbling, cooperating with faculty and students. Surprised, pleased, a thousand graduates have already asked to join the scheme. It will be open to all of Michigan's 67,000 alumni. Each may choose a subject which interests him -- or her, for Michigan is coeducational. If the choice be literature, Michigan professors will suggest reading, supervise courses. If architecture, they will bul- letin the latest advances in structure and design. If science, they will describe discoveries on demand. Alumni will be free to visit their chosen departments, quiz professors, write letters of inquiry, use the library or the laboratories. They will be perpetual students. No one will ever be graduated. Tuition fees will be voluntary, according to the wealth or generosity of the individual.
Its name will be "The Alumni Uni-versity of Michigan."