Monday, Feb. 06, 1928


Dr. Henry Ameroy Hotvedt (pronounced Hotwet) of Weehawken, N. J., said, "People snicker at the mention of my name," when he last week petitioned a law court to change his name to Hartwell.


Next to his neck A. F. Sims of Wichita, Kans., wore the same gold collar button for 33 years. Last week he died, after willing the button to his father.


Every day for 30 years she drank a pint and a half. Last week she died. Dr. D. A. Urquhart pronounced her "virtually pickled alive." Her drink was commercial vinegar; her name was Miss May Robsley of Shrewsbury, England; her weight was 38 pounds.

Three, Three, Three

Leo Reilly of Jersey City, N. J., stole three lanterns, was arrested by three policemen, was convicted on the testimony of three boys, was sentenced to three months in the county jail, was placed in cell No. 3. Numerologists also pointed out that he has three letters in his first name.