Monday, Feb. 13, 1928
Italian Fascist clubs outside of Italy received, last week, from the office of Signor Benito Mussolini a series of imperative recommendations as to the conduct of their members. Examples:
I. "Be disciplined abroad, just as I require and impose discipline upon Italians at home.
II. "Fascists who are abroad must be respectful to the laws of the country which gives them hospitality. They must give daily proof of this respect for the laws, and if necessary must give an example in such respect to citizens themselves.
III. "Respect the representatives of Italy abroad and obey their directions and instructions.
IV. "Engage in works of charity for the benefit of Italians who are in need."
These admonitions, although obviously unenforceable, in the legal sense, were backed by a covering letter in which Signor Piero Parini, Secretary General of Foreign Fascist Organizations, declared: "The word of Il Duce is a commandment which admits neither of glossing over nor of interpretations of any sort."