Monday, Feb. 13, 1928

More Earnings

Some proudly and confidently, other appending explanations, several corporations last week showed their balance sheets, announced their profits or losses for 1927.

Dodge Brothers. (Their electric sign in Manhattan, lit for the first time last week, is the biggest on Broadway. It advertises the Victory Six.)--$14,830,475. Previous year, $31,471,415. President Edwin G.

Wilmer explained the cost of new developments in models, revisions in plant facilities, maturity of short term notes, retirement of debentures.

Gabriel Snubbers (which snub motor cars' jerks)--$960,330. Previous year, $1,033,630. President George H. Rails reminded stockholders that automobile production had fallen off 22% in 1927, Gabriel's earnings only 7%.

American Chicle Co. (peppermint & licorice, chewing gums & candies*)-- $1,524,002. Previous year, $1,332,448.

Ward Baking Co. (breadstuffs, boxed cakes)--$4,231,895. Previous year, $4,476,508.

Continental Baking Corp. (breadstuffs, boxed cakes)--$5,569,559. Previous year, $6,546,725.

H. R. Mallinson & Co. (all-silk and nearly-all-silk--by the yard)--$463,691.

Previous year, no earnings; losses, $546,123-Devoe & Raynolds Co. (painting and varnishing since the French & Indian War)--$960,123. Previous year, $900,055.

General Fireproofing Co. (building materials, office furniture, all fireproof)-- $855,120. Previous year, $888,689.

Marland Oil Co.--No earnings; losses, $7,691,076. Previous year's earnings, $11,690,911. President E. W. Marland reminded stockholders of the crisis through which all oil companies passed in 1927, due to the uncontrolled production of crude oil.

P. Lorillard Co. ("Not a cough . . . .") --$2,490,786. Previous year, $4,117,197.

President B. L. Belt reminded stockholders how expensive it was to introduce a new product (Old Gold cigarets) to the smoking public.

U. S. Steel Corp. (three kings: Morgan, Farrell, Taylor)--$164,246,545. Previous year, $199,058,869.

Cuba Cane Sugar Corp. (which figured the price of cane sugar in 1927 to be $0.02493 a Ib.)--$5,275,599-Previous year, $2,330,071.

Cluett, Peabody & Co. (collars: Ara-tex & Arrow; shirts: Arrow; underwear: Gotham)--$2,281,997. Previous year, $1,772,223.

Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co. (electrical and industrial machinery)--$3,182,472.

Previous year, $3,596,891.

*Chicle is sap from the sapote tree, found in Central America. Preparing to go thither last week were President Thomas H. Blodgett of the American Chicle Co. and Author Gregory Mason, to study the civilization of the Indians in unexplored territories of Guatemala, British Honduras and Mexico. Their guides and collaborators will be chicleros (gatherers of chicle).