Monday, Feb. 20, 1928


Because the German Army has long been suspected of Monarchist leanings, the Reichstag harkened attentively last week when new and fiery Defense Minister General Wilhelm Groener declared roundly from its rostrum that the forces under his command are now "pledged and loyal" to the Republic.

Soon General Groener launched a rousing, emotional appeal in defense of his budget estimates. Cried he: "The Versailles Treaty shackles us in a manner scarcely endurable to a sovereign nation!"

Speculating on the future of militarism in general, he said significantly: "The Reichswehr is incapable of being used to wage war as this has been understood in the past. But how the art of waging war will develop in the future we do not know, so all we can do is keep our eyes open and watch war's further development."

Auditors took this to mean that General Groener will continue the settled Reichswehr policy of developing new and super swift offense units to compensate in part for the puny strength of its 100,000 men.