Monday, Feb. 20, 1928


No rouge was necessary. The cold cosmetic of February breezes stained cheeks red, as thick furred and woolly ladies watched lithe young men drop down the swift incline of Dartmouth's ski jump and hurtle through the air. Ernest Pederson, New Hampshire, twice winner of the Marshal Foch trophy at Lake Placid, last year international intercollegiate champion at Montreal, was the highest hurtler, spanning 114 ft. Cross country skiing, fast and fancy skating, snowshoeing occupied other sturdy youths, other gaily approving ladies. New Hampshire won the meet, McGill (Canada) second, Dartmouth third. Yale defeated Dartmouth at hockey; Dartmouth downed Harvard in the evening's basketball. Then there was dancing. Thus Dartmouth's annual Winter Sports Carnival at Hanover, N. H., unique sports gathering of New England, to which families and friends are asked to come and bring their thinnest silks and thickest overshoes.