Monday, Feb. 27, 1928


Once the weapons of cowards and assassins, bombs are now in respectable, daily usage by most of the Great Powers.

Last week British airmen zoomed over the Afric Sudan, raining down bombs upon maddened, defenseless, uncomprehending herds of cattle. Boom! Above the basso of the bombs blood spurted fortissimo. Boom! Mangled flesh and splintered bones crescendoed high. BOOM!

British correspondents cabled that the beings bombed were "only animals." Cows had been mangled in humane preference to mangling their tribesmen owners. Reason : some of the tribesmen were suspected of murdering recently British District Commander Captain Ferguson. Result: 34 chiefs of the Lau tribe surrendered, last week, to a small British land force. The chiefs, cowed, were then obliged to watch while British bombers completely demolished their sacred shrine, the Pyramid of Dengkur, long a place of idolatrous, witch-doctoring worship.

Simultaneously, last week, French airplanes soared over rebellious Riff tribes in Morocco. The Riff have been bombed so often that when a French plane approaches they scatter, after stampeding their cattle in all directions. Therefore the French chose, last week, a market day and scattered what were described as "light bombs" among the thronging market crowds of several rebel villages.