Monday, Mar. 19, 1928
Sturdy old Sir Walter Runciman, 80, yielded a mite further, last week, to the biblical sin of pride.
The times are gone when his boyish posteriors used to be chastened by the laying on of a knotted rope end. That occurred when, as a stripling of 12, he ran away from home and signed on as cabin boy to a certain savage skipper. Today he controls the great Newcastle shipping firm of Runciman & Co., Ltd., and is proud to sit in the House of Commons. Prouder still is he of the fact that his son, also Walter, also sits in the House.
Last week rich, tangy Sir Walter Runciman was like to burst with pride when his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Walter Runciman, was returned to the House of Commons from a bye-election in the Constituency of St. Ives.
All three Runcimans are liberal M.P.'s. Son Runciman usually takes his seat next to that of Liberal Leader David Lloyd George. Wife Runciman delivered herself during her campaign of the following oracle: "I will always support David Lloyd George so long as he remains a Liberal." Her reference was, of course, to the possibility that Mr. Lloyd George might lead his Liberals into the Labor fold.
Last week Mrs. Runciman, M.P., was congratulated by her eight fellow female M.P.'s including famed Lady Astor, upon the fact that she is the only one of them with a husband in the House. Husband Runciman, as everyone knows, was recently President of the Chamber of Shipping of the United Kingdom (1926-27), and is gradually taking over the superintendence of his father's shipping interests. Father & father-in-law Sir Walter Runciman, no longer a seaman but an ardent yachtsman, has recently completed an autobiograpical work of much gusto and sap, entitled appropriately Before the Mast--and After.
Sir Walter's grandson, Walter Leslie Runciman, 27, is no seaman but has married a daughter (Rosamond) of famed Cambridge rowing coach R. C. Lehmann. Everyone knows that swart Rosamond Lehmann has written a best selling novel--Dusty Answer.