Monday, Mar. 26, 1928
Florida Camps
Manager Jack Slattery of the Boston Braves told his pitchers to quit throwing horseshoes in the hotel yard after dinner till they got better in the box.
George Herman "Babe" Ruth, failing to hit, wrote to New York for his favorite bat, Big Bertha, the heaviest bat used in the big leagues (48 ounces). Big Bertha has 31 notches in the handle, each notch for a home run. Ruth broke his bat Betsy in June when there were twelve notches in it.
Ralph Kress, rookie of the St. Louis Browns, made five errors in the field one afternoon and at bat made four hits, three singles and a double.
A line drive hit John McGraw in the right ankle which swelled up. McGraw, who had a dancing date that evening, sent out for crutches, had an X-ray taken, spent a day in his room, came down to the field next day with a camp stool, a cane, a crutch, and a megaphone. Later in the hotel he called the squad round him, put them through tactical drill he calls "skull practice."
Walter Johnson, 25 pounds under weight from flu, said "I told the boys there would be no training rules unless I had to make some. I trust them to give me their best."