Monday, Apr. 16, 1928

Dead Horse

A horse dead for three years is a hard thing to raise money on. So found Will H. Hays when in 1923 he went out to collect for the G. O. P. deficit incurred by President Harding's election in 1920. Oilman Sinclair quietly helped Mr. Hays out to the extent of $160,000. Last month, when Senator Borah learned about Sinclair's help, Senator Borah was public-conscience-stricken. He started to raise a $160,000 "Shame Fund" to pay back Oilman Sinclair (TIME, March 26). Idealists lauded honest Senator Borah. The worldly-wise lampooned.

The original horse is now eight years dead. Deadhorse money now comes harder than ever. No honest counterpart of Oilman Sinclair has offered to repay bad money with good, so Senator Borah last week ceased and desisted from his labors. His fund, he said, has mounted only to "around $7,000." He would "talk it over" with the G. O. P. at Kansas City in June. Meantime, perhaps, the $7,000 would go to strike-impoverished coal-miners. "I shall certainly not keep the $7,000 myself," promised honest Senator Borah.