Monday, Apr. 16, 1928
Name Perpetuated
Sturdy, moral, beef-consuming Britons know who Miss Sylvia Pankhurst is--know her as a famed "militant suffragette" who smashed windows, was often arrested, and repeatedly hunger-struck until British women won the vote in 1918.
Last week the smug beef-consumers decided that they now know what Sylvia Pankhurst is. They made up their minds quickly when she displayed to reporters, last week, a chubby, black-eyed man child, and announced that he is her natural son, aged four months.
Interviewed, Miss & Mother Sylvia Pankhurst said:
"I have not gone through a legal ceremony. ... I do not consider that marriage ought to be the subject of legal contract. It is far too intimate and personal a matter for that. . . . My union with my husband is entirely free. ... I believe that the tendency of the future is in this direction, and that posterity will see nothing remarkable in our decision."
"But."' queried a newsgatherer, "Who is your husband, Miss Pankhurst?"
Smiling enigmatically blue-eyed Sylvia Pankhurst would admit only that the father of her black-eyed babe is "a foreigner ... a man much interested in politics."
Of her babe she said, "I hope he will be a great man. ... I have no brothers living and there is no one but he to perpetuate the name. . . . You see we have called him Richard Keir Pethick Pankhurst."
Sylvia Pankhurst's sister Christabel, also a onetime "militant," has recently announced that she is "now active in the movement for heralding the personal and visible Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, as foreshown by the present signs of the times."
The mother of these sprightly spinsters is Mrs. Emmeline Pankhurst, lawful widow of the late Richard Marsden Pankhurst, LL.D. She too has dabbled in suffrage and brick throwing but now confines herself to peaceably furthering national reforms.