Monday, Apr. 16, 1928


Charge d'Affaires H. Dorsey Newson of the U. S. Legation at Ottawa spoke crisply, last week, to newsgatherers: "The Government of the United States has acquired the property at 98-100-102-104 Wellington Street, Ottawa, for the purpose of constructing a building to house the offices of the various Government departments in the Capital. . . . Upon the termination of existing leases, it is contemplated that the two brick buildings now standing on the property will be removed and a handsome new edifice erected, which may be four or five stories in height."

Commentators observed that no matter what the nature of the new building may turn out to be, it will resemble all other U. S. legations to the extent of having for its telegraphic and cable address the code word "Amlegation." Citizens of the U. S. who rove abroad would do well to remember also that in capitals where the U. S. is represented by an Ambassador his address is "Amembassy," plus, of course, the name of the city where the Embassy is located.