Monday, Apr. 16, 1928
U. S. Catholics
There are now 19,689,049 Roman Catholics living in the United States, excluding the Philippine Islands; this is 205,735 more than there were last year. Last year, 33,991 non-Catholics were converted and became Catholics.
Of the total number, 1,273,291 live in the Archdiocese of New York, 1,250,000 in the Archdiocese of Chicago. No other Archdiocese has more than a million Catholics in it.
There are 2,281,837 pupils in U. S. Catholic day schools and colleges.
There are 18,293 Catholic Churches and 25;773 Catholic priests in the U.S.
Young men to the number of 14,432 are studying for the priesthood in 136 theological seminaries.
There are 615 Catholic hospitals, 147 Catholic homes for the aged and 351 Catholic orphan asylums caring for 51,961 U. S. Catholic children.
These statistics were published last fortnight in the Official Catholic Directory for 1928.