Monday, Apr. 30, 1928
More Mergers
Cheese. Kraft-Phenix Cheese Co. is first consolidating a cold storage company with ten manufacturers and wholesalers of cheese in northern New York (their combined yearly business is more than $6,000,000); is then calling the group Miller, Richardson & Co.; and for all their properties is giving 17,000 shares of Kraft-Phenix stock.
Flour. Negotiations are on for a merger of the $24,000,000 Washburn-Crosby Co. (Gold Medal flour, "Eventually, why not now?") of Minneapolis with the $40,000,000 Standard Milling Co. of Manhattan. Securities of $50,000,000 may be offered.
Candy Stores. As Puritan Stores, Inc. the merger of 24 retail candy stores in and around New York City became effective last week.
Niagara Electricity. Deriving profits from electricity generated at Niagara Falls are Buffalo, Niagara & Eastern Power Corp., Buffalo General Electric Corp., Niagara Falls Power Co., Tonawanda Power Co., Niagara, Lockport & Ontario Co., and their subsidiaries--whose directors last week agreed to combine as one operating unit.
Natural Gas. Of 15 natural gas companies furnishing 16 billion cubic feet of gas each year to 32 communities in Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana--Southwest Gas Utilities Corp. was formed. President is Charles G. Laskey, bland, onetime prospector of the district served.
St. Louis Groceries. Three Kohn brothers owned 42 Kohn (cash-&-carry grocery) Stores at St. Louis; Missouri-Illinois Stores owned no competing piggly wiggly, serve-self groceries. All 152 were merged for better buying and management.