Monday, May. 07, 1928

Life Laughs

With her contemporaries Life had fun in her own May 3 issue. Almost typographically perfect, she burlesqued the Saturday Evening Post, Cosmopolitan, New Masses, Colliers, The Nation, True Story, Harpers Bazar, Judge, New Yorker, College Humor, American Mercury, Arts and Decoration, Poetry, McCalls, Scientific American, The Eclipse Lovers Weekly, Christian Herald, Lariat Story Magazine, TIME.

President Calvin Coolidge figured in the laughs. His name was signed to a letter saying The Nation was a "darb"; his picture was substituted for Benjamin Franklin's in the masthead of the Saturday Evening Post, which was published "in association with the United States mint and N. W. Ayer & Son."*

Life readers, pleased, anticipated further diversions in the reorganized Life which is to appear on May 10.

* Famed advertising agency with headquarters in Philadelphia.