Monday, Jun. 04, 1928
Best Plays in Manhattan
SERIOUS COQUETTE--About a girl who loves a shiftless lad and kills herself after her father kills him (TIME, Nov. 21). STRANGE INTERLUDE--Acting by Lynn Fontanne, Helen Westley, Earle Larimore, Glenn Anders, Tom Powers. Production by the Theatre Guild. Nine acts complete with asides and soliloquies by Eugene O'Neill (TIME, Feb. 13). MELODRAMA THE TRIAL OF MARY DUGAN--Court procedure centres around a chorus girl who seems to have murdered a very dear gentleman friend (TIME, Oct. 3). THE SILENT HOUSE--A Chinaman sharpens his chopsticks (TIME, Feb. 20). THE SCARLET Fox--Willard Mack gets his man (TIME, April 9). DIAMOND LIL--Mae West in a place which, to judge by the shape of her bed, must be a swan-dive (TIME, April 23). FUNNY BURLESQUE--The vicissitudes of vaudeville votaries (TIME, Sept. 12). THE BACHELOR FATHER--Natural children in velvet gloves, or father's day at the foundling's home (TIME, March 12). VOLPONE--Ben Jonson's farce about a miser who missed fire, modernized and improved (TIME, April 23). THE HAPPY HUSBAND--Miss Billie Burke proving that, on rare occasions, a woman can forgive her husband for forgetting to be jealous (TIME, May 14). Also: THE SHANNONS OF BROADWAY, THE ROYAL FAMILY, OUR BETTERS. MUSICAL Look, Listen, Laugh: Good News, A Connecticut Yankee, Funny Face, Show Boat, Rain or Shine, The Three Musketeers, Present Arms.