Monday, Jun. 18, 1928
Critics say Miss Maureen Orcutt will be the next woman golf champion of the U. S. They base their predictions on her serious face, big jaw, her long driving, even temper, sensible clothes, experience, broad shoulders and youth. Last week in Montclair, with 258 for three rounds, including a final round in 81, she won the Women's Eastern championship by 8 strokes.
In San Francisco, Johnny Weissmuller swam 100 metres in 574/5 sec., a fifth of a second better than his own world's record. Clarence ("Buster") Crabbe of Honolulu set a new world's record for the mile--21 min. 35! sec.
In Chicago, Stanford won the national collegiate track championship with 72 points. Illinois had 30 3/4, Ohio State 30. Aubrey Bracey (Rice Institute, Tex.) tied the world's record for 100 yards. There were 333 athletes in the meet, representing 79 colleges, and they all wanted to get on the Olympic team.