Monday, Jun. 18, 1928
THE ROAD TO HEAVEN--Thomas Beer --Knopf ($2.50). If you know where Heaven is, the hardships by the way are endurable. Lamon Coe knew that Heaven was his father's farm in Zerbetta, Ohio, and therefore tolerated an exile cluttered with boxing in Los Angeles, acting in cinema, selling sporting goods in Boston, and finally life in the big city with his refined Cousin Abner. New York's smells, noises, intellectuals, palled on Lamon until he discovered Frankie de Lima (she had adopted the name of her Ohio home-town). Lamon basked in the glow of her vivacity, until sudden catastrophe brought him home to Zerbetta with the girl who "understood."
Paradoxically, this is a highly sophisticated piece of writing, raising the standard of excellent prose Author Beer has already set up in Stephen Crane, Sandoval, The Mauve Decade.