Monday, Jul. 02, 1928
Three little Fleischmanns (Gardner, 10; Stephen, 8; Peter, 6), sons of Raoul H. Fleischmann, publisher of the New Yorker, sailed on the Paris in quarters much too large for them. One day later, Captain Otto Schwamberger, master of the Hamburg, sailed on his ship in quarters much too small for him. Reason: Mr. and Mrs. Fleischmann missed the Paris, watched three little Fleischmanns with governess, family trunks, sail without them. A feverish search for reservations on following boats was unavailing. Obligingly, Capt. Schwamberger gave up his suite to pursuing parents.
Setsu Matsudaira, fiancee of Prince Chichibu, who is brother of the Emperor and heir apparent to the throne of Japan, tripped gracefully from the Shinyomaru, sheltered herself behind her father, Japanese ambassador to the U. S. Buddhist pilgrims beat incessantly upon their hand drums and invoked the heavenly Lotus. Yokohama school children piped shrill greetings to the girl who may be their Empress. Only Prince Chichibu, restrained by chill etiquette, remained in Tokyo, impatiently awaited his betrothed.
Mrs. Elizabeth Lauder Kellurm , daughter of George Lauder, Pittsburgh millionaire and partner of Andrew Carnegie, came ashore at San Francisco from the Malolo to tell of a dream and its end. The dream: a perpetual honeymoon with her fisherman-guide husband on the yacht Kaimiloa, cruising in Southern seas. Medford Kellum had served all his life as a seaman, had guided the Lauders on Florida fishing trips. In 1909 he married Elizabeth Lauder, half his age; from 1920 to 1923 he made a fortune in Miami real estate; in 1924 the couple sailed in quest of eternal happiness. Its end: the Reno (Nev.) divorce courts.
Mr. and Mrs. Theron F. Pierce, presidential landlords, sailed on the Mauretania to remain until the President and Mrs. Coolidge. model tenants, leave Brule, Wis., and return to the White House.
Neysa McMein, artist, croquet expert, returned on the Aquitania to report the progress of the game in France. Said Miss McMein: "Croquet is now the vogue among the smart set. Americans are busy playing it. Dukes and princes . . . play badly."
Josef Casimir Hofmann, famed pianist, director of the Curtis Institute of Music, Philadelphia, left for England on the Mauretania to accept unusual jury service. To be judged: a carillon of 6r bells (the lightest, 7 Ibs.; the heaviest, 11 tons), destined for the Florida bird sanctuary of Publicist Edward William Bok.
On the same day, Singer Bori, Diplomat de Ligne, Architect Gilbert, Bishop Manning, Arthur Churchill, Actress Collier, Aviator Lambert, Preacher Fosdick, Actress Mitzi, Constable* Protheroe-Smith. Critic Nathan sailed, variously, by the Roma, Majestic, Paris, Carmania, Lapland, Minnesota; and Oilman Pratt, Publisher Doran, Brewer Doelger arrived on the Berengaria.
* Of Cornwall, England.