Monday, Jul. 16, 1928

Predicter Pierce

Henry Douglas Pierce of Indianapolis and Manhattan is a lawyer, writer, globetrotter, Princeton graduate (1868). He is kin of the late famed Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois. His father, Winslow S. Pierce, was a Comptroller of California. His law partners included the late Vice President Thomas A. Hendricks and the late U. S. Senator David Turpie of Indiana. Among his neighbors was Benjamin Harrison. Among his friends were Grover Cleveland, William Jennings Bryan, Woodrow Wilson.

Mr. Pierce, who possesses Indiana's largest private library, is a political prophet. Last week, the Indianapolis Star recalled that:

1) In the autumn of 1902, speaking about Woodrow Wilson, Mr. Pierce predicted: "We will see him inside of ten years Senator, a Governor, then the President of the United States." Only the Senator part failed to come true.

2) In March, 1924. Mr. Pierce predicted: "Davis is the 'dark horse' that will win the nomination for the Presidency." In four months, and 103 ballots, this was fulfilled.

3) In November, 1926, Mr. Pierce declared that Alfred Emanuel Smith had "a better chance of becoming President of the United States than any other man has had for many years."

Last week, Predicter Pierce was asked to predict further. Pleased, Predicter Pierce said he would "invoke Parnassus and jostle Jove on high Olympus for insight into the future." Then came his prophecies:

Will Smith win? "I unhesitatingly go on record as declaring that he will. Nor do I, in the language of Secretary Work, Hoover's manager, even qualify 'unless the party makes some mistakes.' . . . Smith will win even against the opposition of such brainy and attractive women as Mrs. Clem Shaver (see p. 10).

Will the Republicans go Wet jour years hence? "Certainly not! Their party will be the refuge of the irreconcilable 'drys'; perhaps even Mrs. Clem Shaver. . . ."