Monday, Jul. 23, 1928


Last week the following declared for Nominee Smith:

Lawyer Clarence Darrow. Reason--Prohibition.

Storekeeper Edward A. Filene of Boston. Reason--Prosperity would be equally distributed.

Textile Manufacturer Herman Blum of Philadelphia. Reason--the Tariff.

The Mt. Carmel, Pa., News, for 49 years Republican. No reason given, simply the line: "This is an Al Smith newspaper."

Manufacturer Irenee du Pont of Delaware said last week: "I have always voted the straight Republican ticket, and I am still hoping that something may yet happen between now and the Presidential election which will allow me to vote that ticket again, conscientiously, this year. But then, I always have been of an optimistic disposition." Mr. du Font's worries --Prohibition, corruption, lawbreaking.