Monday, Jul. 23, 1928



To thousands of U. S. males, "vacation time" in summer means going to military training camps for instruction on the art of national defense.

Ambassador (Col.) Noble Brandon Judah, home from Cuba's heat, called last fortnight on Maj. Gen. Charles Pelot ("Per Schedule") Summerall, Chief of Staff, and arranged to join his old regiment, the 332nd Field Artillery,* in camp at Sparta, Wis.

Brig.-Gen. Cornelius Vanderbilt and Col. Palmer E. Pierce last week led forth New York's famed 77th Division for reservist maneuvers along a "battle front" in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Plattsburgh Barracks, N. Y., have been teeming for several weeks with students at the Citizens Military Training Camps of the Second Corps Area.

The National Defense Act of 1920-24 laid out nine corps areas in the U. S. and a tenth called the Hawaiian Department. Summer training is conducted at Reserve Officers Training Camps, Citizens Military Training Camps, encampments of the Organized Reserves, and National Guard camps. A total attendance of 221,589 trainees was expected this summer in all corps areas, composed as follows:

R. O. T. C.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,264

C. M. T. C.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35,000

Organized Reserves (officers). . . 13,688

National Guard (officers). . . . . . . . 12,017

National Guard (men). . . . . . . . . . . . . 152,620

Participation by reserve officers in summer training is expected but not compulsory. Sickness or business may interfere without causing demotion. Promotion depends upon the efforts of the reservist himself.

While in camp, reserve officers are on active duty. They draw Government pay. They may be ordered on active duty by the President at any time for any period, but need not remain for more than 15 days in any one calendar year unless Congress has declared a national emergency. Reserve officers must buy their own uniforms and insignia and keep them ready for active duty. Uniforms may be worn by reservists not on active duty while in the U. S., on specified occasions (social functions, military ceremonies, instructing at schools and the like).

Any officer of the Reserve Corps desiring to leave the U. S. for 30 days or more must notify the Adjutant General (Major General Lutz Wahl) giving particulars of the intended trip.

* Formerly the 149th, a unit of the famed-in-War 42nd ("Rainbow") Division, of which General Summerall commanded the artillery brigade. Last week the "Rainbow" held a reunion at Columbus, Ohio, with addresses by onetime Secretary of War Newton Diehl Baker and Maj. Gen. Summerall. Lieut. Col. William P. Screws, 12th Infantry, of Baltimore, was elected president.