Monday, Jul. 23, 1928

Pangalos Freed

The sleek, dark hair of General Theodore Pangalos, the "Mussolini of Greece," turned white when he was deposed as Dictator and jailed (TIME, Feb. 27). Last week, the iron barred door of General Pangalos' cell opened by command of his great and wily friend, M. Eleutherios Venizelos, who has just maneuvered himself into the Prime Ministry (TIME, June 4).

Venizelos was the Statesman and Pangalos the General who jointly led the revolution of 1924 which resulted in the banishment of King George II and the proclamation of the Republic. Many army men, distrustful of Venizelos, will again support him, now that white haired General Pangalos is again his right hand militarist.

Old Paul Koundouriotis, President of Greece, also a onetime co-revolutionist with Venizelos, dissolved Parliament and then signed a decree so altering the electoral law that the Venizelists, who would probably have won the next election, are now assured a sweeping victory. The decree provides among other things that no Jew may stand for election except on the "Jewish Ticket" which will have to be created for that purpose.