Monday, Jul. 30, 1928


Rightdoers in Great Britain are protected from newspaper libel by laws far more drastic than any similar U. S. statute. Last week Manhattan's Patrick Joseph Cardinal Hayes won heavy compensation from the London Sunday Express which had erroneously reported the Cardinal to have said that the late assassinated Irish Free State Minister of Justice Kevin O'Higgins was "an English hireling."

Curious is the fact that U. S. and British news organs, when libeling or exposing, make incessant use of such phrases as "alleged," "charged," "understood." Legally it is quite as libelous to pussyfoot, "John Doe is an alleged swindler," as to boldly print, "John Doe is a swindler." Psychological explanation: writers and editors feel safer when they pussyfoot, as do ostriches with heads in sand.