Monday, Aug. 13, 1928
The Best Butter
A bread & butter note was penned, last week, by the slightly rheumatic hand of His Majesty George V, King-Emperor, Defender of the Faith.
The note began "My dear Portland" and ended:
"Believe me, very sincerely yours,
"George R. I."
The note was dutifully due because Their Majesties had just been the house guests, at historic Welbeck Abbey, of William John Arthur Charles James Cavendish-Bentinck, 6th Duke of Portland, Earl of Portland, and onetime Master of the Horse to His Majesty.
A very old and broken-down horse attracted the attention of Winifred, Duchess of Portland, in London some months ago. Touched by the creature's piteous air, Her Grace bought it on the spot. Last fortnight she displayed it to her royal house guests, who beheld a nag still old, but now sleek and roly-poly.
Ordinarily the King's note to His Grace of Portland would not have been made public; but in this instance Royalty was not merely entertained in private but publicly welcomed by the good people of Nottinghamshire.
Therefore the Royal & Imperial bread was publicly spread extra thick, last week, with the best butter: "... very enjoyable stay . . . the Queen and I have appreciated the loyal and enthusiastic reception . . . the true English welcome which we will never forget . . . accorded us by the people of Nottinghamshire. . . .
"We especially enjoyed watching the bright faces and listening to the merry voices of the thousands of children . . . enormous crowds . . . delightful experience . . fine weather."