Monday, Aug. 13, 1928
Wing Slots
Curious things happen to wings in certain positions, owing to such demoniac conflicts as those of suction on the upper surfaces and pressure on the lower. The adjustment must be delicate or nose-dives and involuntary tailspins result. Slotted areas in the wing, allowing air to pass through, seem to have a kindly, stabilizing effect. Thus aviation's newest safety device is called the wing slot. Technical journals still use "probably" and "theoretically" in referring to it.
Charles Lanier Lawrance, famed designer of the Wright Whirlwind motor (TIME, Feb. 13) was piloting an Avro-Avian above and about Curtiss Field. With him rode J. B. Taylor, vice president of Air Associates, Inc., owners of the plane. Violent air currents bowed the ship's head. It shivered, dived. As it came to earth it straightened out automatically, damaging only the landing gear. Experts attributed this salvation of the flyers to the slot.