Monday, Sep. 10, 1928
Koran & Bible
One day last week Albanians woke up in a republic, as usual; but before noon they were shouting "Long Live our King!"
The King was Ahmed Bey Zogu who the day before had been President. A salvo of 101 guns was prelude to the coronation ceremonies. Lusty cheers greeted Ahmed Zogu as he later rode in state over the narrow streets of Tirana, Albania's dirty capital, which sweltered, as usual, under a bright hot sun.
Zogu took the title "King of Albanians."
This was not calculated to please Jugoslavia, just to the north of Albania, because within Jugoslavia boundaries dwell 500,000 Albanians.
When Zogu, a Mohammedan, took his coronation oath, he swore on both a Koran and a Bible. Observers saw in this an indication that he had not given up his reported desire to marry the Princess Giovanna of Italy. Signer Benito Mussolini is reported to desire the union. But King Vittorio Emanuele, Princess Giovanna's Roman Catholic father, objects.