Monday, Sep. 17, 1928

Hughes Safe

The Council and Assembly of the League of Nations jointly elected, last week, a U. S. Judge of the "World Court,"* to fill the unexpired term of John-Bassett Moore, resigned (TIME, May 7).

The League's choice fell, by a safe majority, upon another distinguished U. S. citizen whose whiskers are even whiter and slightly more luxuriant than John Bassett Moore's. Tabulation:

Candidates Votes

Sir Abdur Rohin (India)....................................... 1

Sir Johannes Wessels (So. Africa)..................... 1

Dr. Walter Simons (Germany)........................... 5

Charles Evans Hughes..................................... 41

*Full title: The Permanent Court of International Justice at the Hague. To be distinguished from the older but still flourishing "Hague Court," properly entitled: The Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague.