Monday, Oct. 01, 1928


Four years ago the Literary Digest, opinion-collecting weekly, circularized millions of citizens, soliciting subscriptions and inquiring for whom they intended to vote for President. The result was a 99.44% accurate preview of the official electoral vote later cast.

Last fortnight, grey-haired Robert J. Cuddihy, the amiable, able, Irish, Roman Catholic publisher-manager of the Digest, announced a bigger & better "straw vote." Postcard ballots went "sifting silently through the mails" to some 19,600,000 names and addresses.

Last week, early returns from sample States were made known:

Hoover Smith

California 441 206

Maryland 867 479

Nebraska 2,340 1,136

New Jersey 15,420 6,586

Wisconsin 2,688 1,815

21,756 10,222

Last fortnight, The Pathfinder, nonpartisan, homefoiks' weekly published in Washington, published the results of a. poll of its readers (chiefly rural) in 48 states. The standing--Hoover 233,315; Smith, 197,408. Electoral votes represented--Hoover, 321; Smith, 210.

The poll (chiefly urban) which the Hearst press is conducting last week stood: Hoover, 390,933; Smith, 337,718. Electoral votes (in the 46 states thus far represented) : Hoover, 331; Smith, 181.