Monday, Oct. 01, 1928


Nominee Robinson, leaving storm-whipped Florida, campaigned through Georgia and Kentucky. Excerpts:

"Ministers who use their pulpits to preach politics are hurting their churches far more than they are any candidate."

"A Hoover Democrat is a Republican who is ashamed to admit it."

"At one time Mr. Hoover favored the sale of 2.75 beer and he has not clarified his position on Prohibition although he has had many opportunities to do so."

"Small business, the business of ordinary merchants and of investors with limited capital, has been adverse rather than prosperous, during recent years. This has reacted unfavorably on the small trader and upon labor, so that more failures have occurred during the present Administration than in any comparable period of history.

"The foreign policies of the Harding and Coolidge Administrations . . . have aroused suspicion as to the good faith of our motives."

Having travelled 8,000 miles to and fro through the Solid South, Nominee Robinson said: "Without doubt, the religious question is foremost."