Monday, Oct. 01, 1928
Bar Sinister
GENERAL CRACK--George Preed--Dodd, Mead ($2.50).
Leopold of Austria was puny of intellect, body, honor. His petty vindictiveness he turned on the one man who was indispensable to his political position--Christian of Kurland, mercenary soldier, master of the art of war, gentleman of fabulous wealth and sophisticated Versailles breeding. Christian's estate glittered with exotic tropic birds and costly tapestries; his person with jewels, velvet, and fine lace fichus. His soldiers adored him, all Europe feared him. Yet Christian was branded with the bar sinister; the only title he could really claim was, affectionate or derisive, "General Crack." Aside from legitimacy there was only one thing that he wanted, and that the hand of Leopold's fiancee, fair Eleanora. In return he promised to vanquish the enemies of the empire, and establish Leopold on the imperial throne.
That a bastard could keep a bitter bargain when an emperor of the blood could not, is the thrilling tale which Author Preedy tells in all the sharp contrast of two disparate natures. With ingenious charm he answers an enigma of European history, enriching it with intriguing rogues, loyal soldiers, a soothsayer, an acrid duchess, and a golden-haired damsel who sets a light at her bedroom window.