Monday, Oct. 08, 1928


For the Brown Derby the testimonial-of-the-week was the following:

"Think of the humiliation and degradation which touches all of us when such a fine-spirited, straightforward, clean-minded and loyal man as Governor Smith is called a drunkard and a political crook! . . .

"Mr. Hoover knows what ought to be done as well as Governor Smith, but he has not had opportunity to demonstrate his political capacity to get it done. Governor Smith has made his demonstration. ... I shall vote for Governor Smith as the man with the greatest demonstrated capacity for political leadership of any I have ever known. . . . He is one of the few great leaders of masses in all history who does not stoop to the tactics of the demagog .... No political leader in the world today, so far as I know--and I know most of them--has as much capacity for mass leadership as he."--Owen D. Young, Board Chairman of the General Electric Co., co-author of the so-called Dawes Plan.