Monday, Oct. 08, 1928
Lonely Hearts
At the turn of the century, the New York Herald of the late James Gordon Bennett the younger ran a "Personal" column in which men and women advertised for companions. Specimen advertisements:
"LADY: loyal, lovable, loving with famished heart, craves devotion of but one man financially worth while. FAITH, HOPE, CHARITY."
"A WOMAN finds paddling own canoe dreary task, seeks manly pilot."
"JOLLY SPORTS desire acquaintance of witty, affectionate ladies possessing beautiful figures, hair, teeth."
"MASSEUSES with highly magnetic manners. . . ."
William Randolph Hearst cried out in his Journal that the Herald's "Personal" column was promoting immorality, obtained the indictment of Bennett for improper use of the U. S. mails. Bennett pleaded guilty and paid a $25,000 fine.
Since then, journalism has progressed. Bernarr ("Body Love") Macfadden's New York Evening Graphic has, "with an earnest desire to bring lonely people together," established a Lonely Hearts' page. Men and women seeking companions do not have to pay to have their notices inserted in the Graphic. They can even have their photographs published free of charge, if they will but come to the Graphic office. This new lure was established last week. It is all a labor of love: "Drab, colorless lives have been made bright; discouraged souls have been given renewed faith in mankind and have found new interests in life." Specimen Lonely Hearts of the last two weeks:
"We are two Yale graduates and have just made our residence in this city. Will two girls of pleasing dispositions and good sports like to meet us and share our pleasures? Widows and divorcees write also. ED AND JACK."
"We are two lonely sailors who would like to meet two attractive girls living in New York. We are both native born Americans and have light hair and blue eyes. We enjoy dancing, shows and swimming. TWO GOBS."
"I am a young man, 26 years old, of the Jewish faith, and desire to make the acquaintance of a young lady. . . . SEEKER."
"I would like to meet some one with whom I could talk a while. I am a girl 23 years of age, well educated, and am strongly possessed by the wanderlust. And--most lonely. GAY."
"I would like very much to make the acquaintance of a young lady who happens to be interested or engaged in the study of the so-called occult sciences, one who is interested in the study of theosophy, or any branch of mysticism. She should be about 22 or 23 years of age and a brunette. OCCULT."
The Graphic was careful to run the following: "NOTICE--This column serves as a medium through which lonely persons may be introduced to congenial companions. No names published. Letter accompanied by a reference and inclosing a stamp will be forwarded to the proper parties. The Graphic cannot and does not assume responsibility for the good faith of correspondence."
No one has suggested indicting Publisher Macfadden.