Monday, Dec. 03, 1928
Pay. To Actor John Barrymore $150,000, to Director Ernst Lubitsch $125,000 by United Artists for work on King of the Mountains budgeted at $1,100,000; to Richard Barthelmess, a raise from $5,500 to $8,500 a week; to Fannie Brice, $7,500 a week for three weeks to appear in Publix theatres; to King Alfonso (Spain), an unnamed sum for talking into Fox Movietone sound-camera; to one Jack Felstein, called Jack Gordon, not more than three years for grabbing pocketbooks from matrons at cinematinees in Manhattan.
In Manhattan, Michael ("Sure-Seater") Mindlin opened a theatre (Little Carnegie Playhouse) with a card & chess room, with free coffee & Marlborough cigarets, permission to smoke, walls decorated in modernistic colors, girl-ushers selected for their beauty, a dance room and a ping-pong court with three tiers of upholstered seats for spectators. There is no sound device.
Award. To Seventh Heaven (Fox), by popular vote annual medal of Photoplay Magazine for the year's most distinguished picture.
In Burbank, Calif., rain seeped through the roof of the arsenal on the First National lot, saturated smoke bombs causing a chemical reaction that set off the dynamite, shells, grenades, stored there for mimic warfare. A beaver board French village outside, three workmen, and $40,000 worth of equipment blew up fanwise without hurting Corinne Griffith and 40 actors and actresses at work nearby.