Monday, Dec. 10, 1928

Anti-Catholic Jailed

When the bogus Knights of Columbus fourth degree oath (TIME, Sept. 3) was being circulated, in the heat of the anti-Catholic persecutions last fall, the Knights themselves took various steps to check it. They freely published the true oath. They offered $25,000 to anyone who could prove the bogus oath was used.

These measures failing, the Knights agreed to prosecute certain men and organizations responsible. Last week two actions for criminal libel resulted in the conviction of a Savannah evangelist and the indictment of a Christian minister in New Jersey.

Only the plea of the 'jury which convicted him saved Rev. W. F. Larowe, in Savannah, from doing three months in jail. He was put on probation. The prosecuting attorney called the court's attention to the fact that, since his arrest, the minister had already spent some time behind bars. The jury recommended "extreme mercy."

In Newark the grand jury indicted Rev. Elmo L. Bateman, pastor of the First Christian church of Maplewood. The indictment specifies that he libeled the Knights of Columbus and Edward J. O'Brien, master of the Fourth Degree of the First Division, New Jersey Knights of Columbus. It is charged that Mr. Bateman printed pamphlets containing the oath, on a press in the basement of his home.

Officers of Mr. Bateman's church informed the prosecutor that they had not supported him in such activities.

According to the bogus oath, candidates were said to vow merciless war against heretics, Protestants, Masons. On the Sunday following his indictment Bateman. at the request of the board of trustees, tendered his resignation as pastor.