Monday, Feb. 04, 1929

England's Agony

Every so often all who seek to peer into the English heart must scan the famed "Agony Column" (Want Ads) of the London Times. Last week in a single issue, on a single page, occurred the following revealing and significant ads, each smacking inimitably of Old England:

Pure Agony

WILL ANYONE LEND LADY -L-50 for 12 months, 10 per cent.? -- Write Box T.1218, The Times, E.C.4.

GIRL 19, suffering from RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS. One hope of cure--warm climate now. Will some good Samaritan offer financial help to make this possible? Mother (widow) earnestly appeals. -- Write Box T.1219, The Times, E.G.4.

WILL someone HELP gentleman, 30, ex-service; no income: ill, severe neurasthenia; with cost of treatment?--Write Box D.1761, The Times, E.C.4.

Sentimental Agony

BLOHENGRIN.--All the same to you; loving -- and mourning you for ever and always. I shall further pray.

MOUSE.--All rights protected. Do not worry --N.B.

Snobbisli Agony

Mr. and Mrs. JAMES BECK wish to make immediate PURCHASE HOUSE in MAYFAIR; lease 10 to 15 years; nine to 11 bed rooms required.--Telephone Paddington 9110.

EXCEPTIONAL REMUNERATION to anyone in good society who can introduce friends for decorating and antiques.--Write Box 8.84, The Times, E.C.4.

Noble Agony

LADY HAIG will be most grateful if anyone POSSESSING LETTERS from her LATE HUSBAND or with PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE of INCIDENTS in his LIFE, particularly in his earlier years, which may contain matter of historical or personal interest, will send to her such letters or send her brief descriptive statements of such incidents. Communications should be addressed to her personally at Bemersyde, St. Boswells, Scotland. Letters and statements are required to furnish material for the official life of the Field-Marshal which will be written at some future time. All letters will be carefully preserved and copied and the originals returned to senders with the least possible delay.

Shrewd Agony

FIT AND BE THANKFUL. Free advice to Motorists and Aviators. Stop swearing. Stop wasting petrol. Stop murdering batteries and bruising knuckles. Start your engines the recognized correct way with the KIGASS PETROL MIST INJECTOR. Descriptive Brochure free.-- KIGASS, 120, Great Portland-street, W.I. Fit and be thankful.