Monday, Mar. 04, 1929

"Like Jesus Did"

In the village of New Hampshire, Ohio, the Rev. Ray Dotson, "Holy Roller" Methodist, so wailed and shrieked, so frothed and grovelled, that he got Fred Conrad, a 200-lb. traction worker, all worked up. Fred Conrad went home to "save" his father. The father protested. So 200-lb. Fred Conrad went on a fast. He would, he cried, fast for 40 days and nights "like Jesus did." He would save every soul in New Hampshire (pop. 318).

Last week Fred Conrad had shrunk to 140 Ibs. His father, still impenitent, but quite alarmed, made Holy Roller Dotson explain that even fasting can be overdone. Reluctantly Fred Conrad swallowed some beef broth and a raw egg.

"It's all right," said Roller Dotson. "He won't die. God will take care of him.''