Monday, May. 13, 1929

The Senate Week

Work Done.-The Senate of the U. S. last week:

P:Debated farm relief (see col. 2).

P:Rejected (70 to 14) a resolution by Alabama's Heflin to condemn a nameless Brockton, Mass., bottlethrower (TIME, May 6).

P:Debated national origins, with Pennsylvania's Reed blocking a vote to suspend this immigration quota system.

P:Adopted a resolution to permit Minnesota's Shipstead to take his oath of office in a Baltimore Hospital (see col. 2).

P:Confirmed the nominations of: George T. McDermott, Orie L. Phillips, Curtis Dwight Wilbur as U. S. circuit judges; Julius Klein as Assistant Secretary of Commerce; William D. L. Starbuck and Charles McK. Saltzman as Federal Radio Commissioners; Raymond S. Patton as Director of the Coast & Geodetic Survey.