Monday, Jun. 03, 1929

Dumb Dora's Child Cameo

Famed is England's DORA (Defence of the Realm Act), compendium of War-time restrictions, still unrepealed. Frequently flayed was Dora, and it must certainly be admitted that she has produced many children who are quite literally robots. For when, last week, Consolidated Automatic Merchandising Corp.--better known as Cameo--arranged for wide distribution of Cameo automatic talking vending machines throughout the United Kingdom, it was really from Dora that these subhuman salesmen sprung. For Dora's decree made many a public house, cafe and tobacconist close during certain afternoon hours and also close early at night. Ingenious, tradesmen put slot machines on their doors. Thus, while legally closed, they continued to dispense candy, chewing gum, cigarets, etc. Meanwhile the slot machines, at first an emergency measure, gained so strong a hold upon the British favor that their vogue is considered certain to continue even after Dora shall have been rendered extinct by the same unfeeling government that created her. Indeed, the robots of the present have evolved into remarkably gifted samples of their species. They say "Thank you," they repeat trade slogans, they make change. One of the newest of Dora's progeny, however, possesses a truly embarrassing gift. This is a change maker which, when presented with legitimate coin of the realm, silently and efficiently performs its functions. If, however, some thrifty and dishonest Briton insults it with a slug, a washer, the robot angry, cries: "Please use good coins only!"