Monday, Jun. 03, 1929
Rhodes Professors
In George Eastman's brief "Who" in Who's Who in America which explains that he was once an amateur photographer, is now chairman of the board of the Eastman Kodak Co., occurs the phrase "donor of more than $50,000,000 to instns. of higher edn." Last week Mr. Eastman increased his total educational donations by $200,000, establishing, through the Association of American Rhodes Scholars, a George Eastman Visiting Professorship at Oxford University. Said Mr. Eastman: "I am desirous of doing something that will assist Englishmen and Colonials and particularly the group destined to play an important part in government, science, scholarship, journalism and industry to understand America. ... I do not forget that an Oxford experience will be immensely stimulating to the American appointee. . . ." The Rhodes professors will visit from one to five years, will be attached to Balliol College, which is scholastically prominent and famed as the intellectual crib of the late Herbert Henry Asquith and many another statesman who rose under Her late Majesty Victoria. The finality of royal assent was given in England, last fortnight, to a bill providing for the division of the U. S. into eight districts of six states from which annually four Rhodes scholars will be chosen. The old method allotted wo scholarships (once every three years) 10 every state (TIME, April 8).