Monday, Oct. 14, 1929

Under the Ether

There will be a Fire Drill in three minutes, children. The Eighth Grade will form in two orderly lines in front of Escape 16. . . . Good morning, pupils. Attention. Stand. Now the morning calisthenics will begin. . . . Will Charles Robbins, Room number Nine, please report to the Principal's office. . . . Charles Robbins. . . .

Out of the bare schoolroom walls of the Great Neck High School (L. I.) and of 35 Rochester, N. Y., public, private, parochial schools, rasp and cackle such pedagogical pronounciamentos, warnings, chastisements.

At Greak Neck, microphone and control board are located in the Principal's office, allowing him to "pipe" his voice to any or all classrooms. Likewise from the control board may be sent such hand-picked radio entertainment as Great Neck students should hear, talking-machine records, lectures. Because few large schools have adequate auditoriums, because much time is spent moving shuffling menageries of school children to and from meetings, such new-fangled means of classroom communication will be smiled on by educators.

Installed by Radio Corporation of America, Stromberg-Carlson Co., Western Electric Co., other radio-wired schools are: Choate School (Wallingford, Conn.), Ossining High School (N. Y.).