Monday, Nov. 11, 1929

Ford Week

"EFFECTIVE TODAY--PRICES of FORD CARS AND TRUCKS WILL be reduced." So read last week many a full page advertisement in many a U. S. newspaper. Price cuts ranged from $15 to $200. Roadsters once $450 were reduced to $435, Town Cars once $1,400 now sell at $1,200, the $695 Station Wagon may now be purchased for $650.

Explained the Ford Motor Co.: "We are reducing prices now because we feel that such a step is the best contribution that can be made to assure a continuation of good business throughout the country.

Most U. S. businessmen, however, believed that the price of Ford cars was reduced so that they would still be attractive to small investors who lost in the stock market crash crisis. Great was their admiration for timely and brilliant advertising.

In Mexico City, last week, 300 employes of the Ford assembling plant went on strike. Reason: Desire for union recognition. No other strike has ever occurred in a Ford concern.