Monday, Sep. 22, 1930

Checkered Yellow

Long and bitter has been the battle between the Checker Cab Manufacturing Corp. taxi interests and Yellow Cab Co. In back of Checker has been its founder and president, Morris Markin, Chicago Russian Jew. Behind Yellow Cab has been its founder and, until last year, president, John Daniel Hertz, Chicago Austrian Jew. Last January Mr. Hertz resigned from Yellow Cab, sold his interest to Parmelee Transportation Co. Last week the onward march of Cabman Markin continued when Checker acquired control of Parmelee.

The entrance of Mr. Hertz into the cab business was indirect, gradual. He began as a copyboy, became a sportswriter, then a manager of prizefighters, an automobile salesman, eventually an operator of private taxis for the Chicago Athletic Association. He started Walden W. Shaw Livery Co. (whited tires), later changed to Yellow Cab Manufacturing Co., founded the famed Hertz Drivurself Stations, Inc. When he started building cabs, he remembered having read that yellow possesses unusual visibility, stuck to that color. In 1925 he sold the manufacturing company to General Motors Corp., which changed the name to Yellow Truck & Coach Manufacturing Co. and since then has been slowly transmuting yellow into gold.

Cabman Markin began as a tailor, entered the cab trade through the investment route. He organized Checker Cab which builds taxis, advises customers, but actually has operated no cabs itself. Although Yellow Truck & Coach Manufacturing is a big competitor, Mr. Markin probably is reassured by the fact that John Jacob Raskob is Checker's largest individual stockholder.

When Cabman Hertz retired he interested himself in airplanes, country homes, horses. Racing men recall that last December he rejected the fabulous bid of $1,000,000 for Reigh Count. He said, "I think a fellow who would pay $1,000,000 for a horse ought to have his head examined, and the fellow who turned it down must be absolutely unbalanced" (TIME, Dec. 16). His fortune was garnered both from taxis and a great faith in U. S. common stocks, a faith which remains unshattered.

The Yellow group of cab companies did not flounder when Mr. Hertz resigned and the control passed to Parmelee Transportation Co. Parmelee was begun in 1853 as a service between terminals in Chicago, has carried the person or baggage of almost all people who have passed through the city since then. Its musty records show that it transported Lincoln and Douglas, likewise show that General Grant usually had two trunks, Sarah Bernhardt 40. Once when an epidemic destroyed most Chicago horses, Parmelee turned to oxen. Only in 1919 did motor coaches supplant the horse-drawn vehicles that swayed for so many years through Chicago's crosstown streets. A special bus, No. 55, is known as "The Presidential Coach" and is always kept ready.

In Parmelee, Checker has long had a large investment through debentures and preferred stock. Last week it was arranged to return these holdings to Parmelee in return for sufficient common stock to give Checker control. Likewise, Parmelee will be given control of New York's Motor Cab Transportation, operating 2,050 taxis. Altogether, the fleet under Checker's control will now come to 10,000 taxis (operated by Parmelee), one-tenth of the total in the U. S., enough to insure the company of a large replacement business.

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