Monday, Feb. 22, 1932
Regrettable Gibberish
TIME'S meticulous and precise use of terse English has been one of my delights in reading it. The section headed Medicine on p. 30, Jan. ii issue, appears to indicate a regrettable letting-down of your usual standard.
Bottom of first column: '"Apparently it does not matter whether a couple is old or young to have intelligent offspring." This is gibberish. I assume what you mean is: "Intelligence of offspring appears to be independent of the age of the parents.''. . .
Montana School of Mines Butte, Mont.
Gibberish it was indeed.--ED.
The Queen's Swedish
"She [Goeta Ljungberg] sang for the Queen of Sweden, got five crowns because she had 'gold in her throat.' She spent the five crowns on cakes and milk for her school friends."--TIME, Feb. 1.
". . . since Queen Victoria of Sweden told her she "had God in her throat."--The New Yorker, Jan. 30.
Who's right? Remember the New Yorker was right in the Charlie Chaplin episode (TIME, March 9). Would you let even that swelegant magazine beat you twice?
Soprano Ljungberg was only eight but her mother heard Queen Victoria say "gold" which in Swedish is guld, not "God" which in Swedish is Gud--ED.
Y. M. C. A.'s Harmon
TIME'S comment on the editorial record of Francis Stuart Harmon: "Like few other Southern editors he has consistently stood forth against lynching, convict-floggings, local misgovernment" (TIME, Feb. i).
I would ask TIME to point out one reputable Southern newspaper which does not oppose lynching and flogging. As for "local misgovernment," that is a matter of local political opinion. . . .
On the subject of lynching, however, the Southern press is a unit. Convict-flogging having been abolished in most Southern States, including Florida, there is little occasion for "standing forth" against that. . . .
E. D. LAMBRIGHT Editor Tampa Morning Tribune Tampa, Fla.
TIME'S phrase was ill-chosen. The Y. M. C. A.'s new general secretary has been a conspicuous enemy of social evils.--ED.
Stamp Collector
Governor Roosevelt, youthful collector of nautical Americana, now ardent philatelist, will no doubt receive the support of the stamp-collecting public (est. 100,000 of voting age) should he secure the Democratic nomination for President.
Unique, the situation offering the possibility of a stamp-collecting President might well overshadow seemingly more important vote-deciding qualifications in the philatelic mind.
THOMAS F. WHITBREAD Editor The, Stamp Dealers Bulletin New Rochelle, N. Y.
Governor Roosevelt owns an interesting but not very important collection of Central & South American stamps, belongs to the Society of Philatelic Americans and to the Collectors Club, of which New Jersey's onetime Senator Frelinghuysen and Pianomaker Theodore Steinway are also members. Of the estimated 3,000,000 U. S. stamp collectors, Scott Stamp & Coin Co. guesses that perhaps a maximum of 500.000 are adult, potential Roosevelt boosters.--ED.
Duke v. "Exalted Few"
. . . At Duke University, Durham, N. C., student delegates from every State and Territory participated in a Democratic Convention sponsored by politically fervid law students. Amid typical convention scenes, Owen D. Young was nominated for the Presidency, after a prolonged deadlock between Franklin D. Roosevelt and Newton D. Baker had thrown the assembly into an uproar. William ("Alfalfa Bill") Murray turned a surprising upset by being unanimously acclaimed the party's choice for the Vice Presidency. Other nominees: Joe ("Arkansas") Robinson, Albert C. Ritchie, Alfred E. Smith, Jim Reed, and Will Rogers.
Keynote excerpts: "In the midst of panic, ot Depression, of insidious corruption, and cynical sacrifice of the common welfare for the profit of the exalted few, Democracy has kept the faith. . . . Its day has come. . . ."
Perhaps this is an awakening. . . . It's hard to say.
Duke University owes its existence to over $40,000,000 bestowed by the late great head of the 80% U. S. tobacco monopoly. James Buchanan ("Buck") Duke.--ED.
The Hellwig Subscription
The saddest letter I have ever read m your columns is that of Dr. J. W. Hellwig, Omaha, re Jocelyn Museum, ordering cancellation of subscription and delivery of balance to the first panhandler you meet on the street (TIME, Jan. 25). Don't take this seriously. Have known Dr. Hellwig a long time and he is not parochial, as his hasty missive might imply, but widely traveled and eminent in his specialty. He is just the stripe who would be very unhappy without his weekly installment of TIME. I speak as an old schoolmate' (Creighton University, Omaha) and a struggler on the same old primitive football team with Hellwig. am sure that he will continue to read TIME, the Jocelyn Museum to the contrary notwithstanding.
EDWARD H. WHELAN San Diego, Calif.
Subscriber Dr. Hellwig must resubscribe if he desires his weekly TIME. No panhandler, but a deserving member of the new-poor, Roman Augustus Hentges of St. Paul, Minn., quickly applied for the balance of the Hellwig subscription, got it.--ED.
Improvement & Development
. . . You will please cancel my subscription and refund the amount due. There appeared an article in the very first issue I received after subscribing, which illustrates ... so plainly that it is impossible for me to lend my support to your institution, in face of the fact that the general idea of your magazine is commendable.
The item above referred to appears on the book review page. In giving currency to such erroneous ideas about Christian Science and its founder, I believe you are not only injuring your magazine but doing a great injustice to Christian Science. . . .
With all good wishes for the continual improvement and development of your publication along the highest and best lines.
J. B. McKEE South Pasadena, Calif.
Let Subscriber McKee reconsider his decision. TIME, Feb. 1, was reporting the contents of 'Mental Healers, in which Stephen Zweig gives his account of Franz Anton Mesmer (mesmerism), Mary Baker Eddy (Christian Science), Sigmund Freud (psychoanalysis).-- ED.
In Chicago
If you do not find space in your columns for reference to the enclosed ad you might keep the address in the event you have need for this service on a visit to our city. I am a newcomer and cannot give testimony as to the quality of their work.
FRANK J. NEWELL Chicago, Ill. The ad :
You Can Win
Having won from a friend a couple of small wagers on federal statistics (TIME) he evidently now recognizes their accuracy, attested by enclosed from him. I thought you might get a kick.
"A buck to a dime, you're wrong, says he.
"I'll take that bet," shot back from me.
With assurance says I, "I saw that in TIME.
I'm collecting right now, your buck to my dime."
A flush crossed his cheek, pale lips drew thin,
As he slipped me a dollar, says he, "You win."
DR. W. W. WARRINER Antioch, Ill.
Ritchie Fact
'Tn a recent issue you referred to Governor Albert Ritchie of Maryland as a divorce. When reading this article in the presence of a person who claims to' be a friend of the Governor, he denied vigorously that Governor Ritchie had ever
bC WilTyou please be kind enough to advise me whether you or Governor Ritchie's friend is in error? . . . .
E. M. RICE Mendota. Minn.
Governor Ritchie was married some 20 years ago, was divorced, without contest, in 1916.--ED.
In Musical Circles
More power to May Breen for her stand (as reported in your issue of Dec. 21) in demanding recognition by American Federation of Musicians for ukuleles; and I trust that I will not be out of tune in suggesting that in spite of our half-pint size there is just as much music in us as there is in a lot of bass horns, piccolos, saxophones and other instruments I have known.
As a matter of fact, I am taking up this matter with the Musicians Union in Honolulu, and the American Federation of Musicians will hear more from this little uke, you bet.
As we say in musical circles, aloha oe!
A Honolulu Ukulele Words and music by HAROLD COFFIN Honolulu, T. H.
Cow & Calf
I have just read the unkind remarks you made about Hon. Wright Patman in your Jan. 25 issue of TIME.
After your statement about the people of Cass County being hillbillies who corner their rabbits in hollow logs and take Levi Garett snuff (between their lower lip and teeth) with their politics, I would like to suggest that if you have the guts to do so that you come down to Cass County and make some of those statements to some of Hon. Wright Patman's neighbors or any of his many friends all over Texas. If you did it would be a good idea to let your cow and calf together for you wouldn't get back that night.
I would like to know how much income tax Mr. Mellon has rebated to you and your magazine or does it happen that you are not one of or member of L-tass ot whom Mr. Mellon is the ____ ____* of Special Privilege?
We in Texas are proud of Wright Patman for it seems that he is the only Congressman who has the intestinal fortitude to fight for right and justice. The same international bankers who plunged us into the last "Big Business War" and are trying to involve us in another are the same War Profiteers who are now fighting the veterans who saved their____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____/-
Now publish this.
CAPT. CHARLES P. SMITH Candidate for Congressman-at-Large Henderson, Tex.
* Deleted: profanity.-- ED.
/- Deleted: more profanity, more stereotyped oratory.--ED.
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