Monday, Oct. 24, 1932

Heaven, Hell & Johnstown

Sirs: Your Oct. 10 issue carries an article under the heading National Affairs, in that article, repeats a few words of praise I said for Senator Jim Davis, those words for Davis were from the heart, and were as honest as the words of how dumb the Republican Organization is for allowing the Herbert Hoover, Andy Mellon and Dave Reed wing of the party for ruining it, of course why mention the running of the party, they are doing as good a job with the entire country.

But Mr. Editor this letter is sent to you with the deepest and sincerest thanks for what you have said in behalf of the Bonus Army--the World War Veterans--there is a saying no one has ever returned from Heaven or Hell to tell us how either place is managed. The Heaven part I'll agree is true--but I'll debate with anyone "about no one ever returning from Hell" as I believe those who returned from (no mans land) and other war fronts of the World War really returned from Hell. And if those boys who were forced into that war don't go to Heaven when they die, after living thru Hell, then I doubt very much if you the editor of TIME will ever have the pleasure of meeting Eddie McCloskey, The Mayor of Johnstown there, in Heaven.

. . . I wish you to know that the easiest job I have ever done was when I played host for my fellow townsmen when I invited the Bonus Army here, as I have often said I invited the officers and God sent the Army, well I and many others of this city are still thanking God for sending us the Army. We of Johnstown have now partly paid our debt to those who sent us help at a time when we needed it. that time was May 31, 1889 when we were visited with the flood that caused some 4,000 or more to be drowned. . . . Now Mr. Editor the sentence reads--'Eddie McCloskey the Mayor of Johnstown who offered B. E. F. mendicants a home and then had to run them out." Now I am going to ask you to please inform your readers which are many in this city alone, that Eddie did not have to, Nor did he run them out. . . . The newspaper reporters who were here will tell you that I am the one and only one that steadfastly refused to allow that news to be spread in the camp--and that I and Doak Carter almost came to blows in his room that I had the proprietor of the Fort Stanwix Hotel give him free of cost--we fought one argument after another till 4 a.m...

I have 2,500 ft. of motion pictures which I am endeavoring to have Floyd Gibbons syncronize for me to release on the screen, called-- ''The Beginning of a New America, or the man that Hoover forgot, taken from the siege of the Capitol. It shows the Bonus Army from the beginning to the end--it happened I was financing the taking of a picture to raise money to furnish the food for the Army over the winter, when the eviction came. My pictures show the burning of American flags--and the burning was not done by the Bonus Army, the picture proves all it shows the cavalry had tanks going down Pennsylvania Ave. .

EDDIE MCCLOSKEY Mayor,Executive Office Johnstown, Pa.

Dr. Billings & Focal Infection


The notice of the death of Dr. Frank Billings, in your issue of Oct. 3, is written with such understanding and appreciation of his position in medicine that I believe you will wish to be reminded of one of his greatest services, of which no mention was made.

I quote from a paper published in the Bulletin of the Alumni Association of the Rush Medical College by Dr. Martin Fischer. "Dr. Billings in his principle of Focal Infection marks one of the largest contributions which any man has made in our day to the relief of human suffering. . . Rheumatism, arthritis, myocarditis, gastric ulcer, nephritis, vascular disease and diabetes; have ceased to be vague expressions of a wrathful god and have become infectious in origin . . . the infection having been carried to the organs involved in general blood stream, itself infected from superficially situated foci of infection resident in the teeth and tonsils. . . . The consequence of these discoveries has been a complete reversal of many of our older clinical points of view and its utilization has altered in most significant fashion all medical, surgical and dental practice."

These discoveries of Dr. Billings have brought so many invalids back to health and have saved so many lives that no account of his achievements can be complete without mention of them.

J. S. CRESSLER Cincinnati, Ohio

Googly Man's Feat


It is TIMELY or "advanced" to quote the following news appearing in the English OverSeas Daily Mail of August 13, 1932:

"Mr. B. J. T. Bosanquet.

Mr. Bosanquet is aged 55. and was Bosanquet, the well-known cricketer who played for Middlesex and invented "googly" bowling, has given birth to a son at their home at Pyrford Common, Surrey.

"Mr. Bosanquet is aged 55, and was married in 1924 to Miss Molly Jones, daughter of the late Mr. Kennedy Jones, who was associated with the founding of the Daily Mail.". . .

A. W. BASCH Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Circulation Pat


There is one thing I want to congratulate your magazine on which is having the best Circulation Department of any magazine I have ever subscribed to.

Last summer when I went to Pittsburgh for six weeks. I had the address of all my magazines changed, telling them when to change back to my Red Bank address.

However TIME was the only one to remember to do same without having to be written a couple of weeks later that the magazine was not being delivered and to please change the address. This is the first time incidentally a magazine has remembered when to change the address without having to be told again by me.


Prizeman's Essex Sirs:

Your article "Prizeman" under Religion, TIME. Oct. 10, convinces me that you gather your news items from all corners of the earth. Being one of the ''700 parishioners." I was thrilled to see Mr. Rose and the hometown mentioned in TIME.

This year, however. Mr. Rose drives from church to church in a new Essex, not "an old automobile."

ROBERT C. MOREY West Rutland, Vt.

Chef Tschumi

Sirs: Have your operatives anything further to report on Buckingham Palace Chef Chummy'' Tschumi's threat to resign? (TIME, Sept. 19) If he has quit the royal kitchens he will not be the first to do so--and for the same reason. The great Careme, one of the most noted of French chefs, was hired during the reign of George IV, at a salary of 1,000 guineas a year. But he resigned after only a few weeks, complained that King George didn't appreciate his finest efforts, but kept asking for boiled beef!


Chef Tschumi planned to retire last July, changed his mind, is still working at Buckingham Palace. So is his superior, Chief Chef Cedard.--ED.

Beril, Bearl, Boyle


TIME, Oct. 10, reviewing Vanities, states that the patronym of Milton Berle is pronounced to rhyme with "peril." As manager of a vaudeville theatre in which Berle appeared not long ago, I discovered that while Milton pronounces his last name to rhyme with "pearl," Mr. Berle Sr. pronounces it "Boyle."

In theatrical circles, Berle is best known for his amiable inability to resist the temptation to "lift" the material of other comedians, to such an extent that a fellow comic. Jack Osterman, walking down Broadway with still a third comedian, and seeing Berle billed in front of a theatre, is supposed to have suggested, "Let's go in and catch our acts!"

K. K. HANSEN New York City

Sandy Somerville's Teacher


Referring to Sandy Somerville's victory in the recent U. S. Amateur Golf Championship, you make the following statement, "His golf form was perfected by professionals in Scotland." (TIME Sept. 26.)

Nothing could be further from the actual facts than the above statement.

The champion himself is responsible for the information that he was only 7 or 8 years of age when he visited Scotland with his parents, and we all know that the most capable golf teacher in the history of the game could not have done very much in developing Sandy's championship at that age. The true facts of the case are that Ross Somerville's game has been developed under the careful tutoring of Kernie Marsh, the clever Canadian professional of the London Hunt and Country Club this city, and Sandy himself is very open and generous in giving full credit to Mr. Marsh on this point.

This is strictly a Canadian victory and one in which all Canadian sport lovers take considerable pleasure and pardonable pride, and in my opinion no other country is entitled to or should be permitted to share in the glory which Sandy's splendid achievement in winning the U. S. Amateur Golf Championship has brought to Canada. . . .

JOHN J. McHALE London, Canada

Reri Out


As a constant reader of TIME I want to call to your attention just one small discrepancy in your Oct. 3 issue. Under Cinema you state that ". . . like Reri whom the late Film Director Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau discovered, who danced in the late Florenz Ziegfeld's Follies, is now in vaudeville."

For your information Reri has been deported by the U. S. immigration department and sailed from New York Oct.1. She had been touring the U. S. in a Fanchon & Marco unit and while she was playing the Fox Theater in Brooklyn she was taken out of the show by the immigration officers. The unit still had about ten weeks to run before her contract was up.

LEWIS REIS San Francisco, Calif.

English Friends


The article concerning the royal family of Great Britain in your issue of Oct. 10. inspires me to write, asking for a verification of the following report:

English friends of mine insist that T. M. King George and Queen Mary have seven children, two of which are imbecile in mentality. I am also told that the affliction of the ex-royal household of Spain, haemophilia, exists in the English family.

From more than one source, and repeatedly, I have heard the same thing. What makes the remarks impressive to me is that those who make the statements are fairly prominent in London, and seem to be "in on the know."

I would appreciate also if you would list the names of the members of the royal family proper, with their respective ages.

DAVID Wdsr DREIMAN Minneapolis, Minn.

Let the fairly prominent London friends of Reader Dreiman mend their talk. Surviving children of Their Britannic Majesties are the Prince of Wales (aged 38); the Duke of York (36); the Duke of Gloucester (32); Prince George (29) and the Princess Royal (35). The late Prince John, born to Her Majesty in 1905. was subject not to haemophilia but to epileptic fits, succumbed in 1919. Their Majesties had no seventh child.--ED.

Bulb Machine Sirs:

In TIME for Sept. 26, under "Technocrats" the third paragraph says as follows:

"A new machine for making light bulbs produces 540 bulbs a minute, replaces 10,000 men.''

If it is not asking too much of you. we are interested to know more about this new machine for making light bulbs. We know of an improved machine which makes a large quantity of bulbs but it surely does not replace any such number of men as you speak of in your paragraph, although it is true that if the bulbs had to be blown by hand as they were 25 or 30 years ago, it would require a great many men.

We are writing you because we are interested to know if there is something new in this line with which we are not as yet familiar.


Consolidated Electric Lamp Co. Danvers, Mass.

Technocrat Howard Scott & friends confirm their report of a machine capable of producing 442 (not 540) bulbs per minute. Privately but not publicly they will reveal further details.--ED.

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