Monday, Feb. 16, 1948



"What . . . Dana Andrews needs ... is the love of a girl whom he can't feel is pitying him" [TIME, Jan. 26]. And that from a movie reviewer whom certainly ought to know better.



The Grand Island Daily Independent Grand Island, Neb.

P: There was so much plot in that picture it was hard to tell who was who.--ED.

Fruit Cake


Re Upton Sinclair's letter [TIME, Jan. 26]: "Let me market my radical cake, with plenty of icing."

Pink icing, of course. . . . Californians know that the flavor is raspberry, and that there are nuts in the cake as well. It is also stale, in the opinion of most people who have tried it.

WHEATON H. BREWER San Francisco, Calif.

Help Wanted


Sexual Behavior in the Human Male [TIME, Jan. 5]. What about sexual behavior in the human female? If man had a little understanding of their behavior it would help. . . .


P: Let Reader Hydock bide his time. Professor Kinsey's second volume, Sexual

Behavior in the Human Female, will be published early next year.--ED.

Dizzy Czar


I note your reference to James Caesar Petrillo as a non-smoker [TIME, Jan. 26]. How do you account for the enclosed cut of the "Czar" lighting up a "Lucky"?


P: Nervousness -- possibly pusillanimity. Petrillo, who gave up smoking a year ago, suddenly started chainsmoking at the House Labor Committee hearings (see cut). Said he: "I didn't start smokin' till the day of the investigation and I'm still dizzy. Still smokin'. I'm gonna quit tomorrow."--ED.

Postmen's Plight


. . . May we point out that Letter Carrier Bolen's $3,100 [TIME, Jan. 26] is top grade pay? If Mrs. Bolen has difficulty with the budget, imagine the plight of us World War II veterans who chose the Postal Service for a career, and at the bottom grade pay of $2,100 a year must somehow support our growing and frequently evicted and homeless families. Under present Postal Regulations it will take us ten years to reach the $3,100 level, if we manage to hang on.


Mossy Trappings


You seem to advocate tolerance for the customary things discriminated against: race, color, creed, religion, etc. However, I do not believe you have ever made a reference to homosexuality (a perfectly legitimate psychological condition) without going specially out of your way to make a vicious insinuation, caustic remark, or "dirty dig."

Your review of Truman Capote's Other Voices Other Rooms [TIME, Jan. 26) concludes . . . : "For all his novel's gifted invention and imagery, the distasteful trappings of its homosexual theme overhang it like Spanish moss."

I have seen a great deal of Spanish moss in a lot of places . . . and I must confess that some of it is quite beautiful. . . .


San Francisco, Calif.

P: It gives TIME the creeps.--ED.

Mayhem in Madison


TIME'S Jan. 26 story on the Wisconsin-Iowa basketball game at Madison . . . leads many of us rabid, wild-eyed midwestern basketball fans to wonder . . . whether TIME'S snappy style necessitates a mutilation of the facts.

JOHN C. WICKHEM Madison, Wis.


Your article . . . was the bunk. . . . The game was one of the roughest in Wisconsin history--because of Iowa's illegal and rough play. . . .



. . . Congratulations on the most biased article we have seen in many a moon. . . .

Most Wisconsin fans believe it is their privilege to cheer for their home team, and to boo displays of poor sportsmanship and poor officiating. That's what they pay for. . . .


University of Wisconsin


. . . [Your correspondent's] field, if he has one, is politics. . . .

A true political propagandist and poor sportsman, [he] ignores everything which fails to further his own perverted viewpoint.

LES NELSON Madison, Wis.


... In contrast to the "screaming, wildly partisan Wisconsin crowd," your reporter sounds like a screaming, wildly partisan Iowa grad. . . .

T. W. EVANS Madison, Wis.

P: In the deluge of letters from Madison came one from TIME'S bloody but unbowed correspondent there: "The story about the Wisconsin-Iowa game has rocked the campus to its foundations. The students are up in arms. The daily Cardinal . . . headlines intimate that I wrote the article and that I was a Judas, a traitor, a high-blown intellectual who betrayed his alma mater. Today is my birthday, and it is 15 below zero. I am whimpering by my fireplace . . . expecting any moment to hear the roar of the crowd as they march up my street to lynch me. ... I couldn't find anything inaccurate in the story, except it gave the impression Wisconsin was the rougher of the teams, which it wasn't, and didn't say that Iowa had 32 fouls and Wisconsin only 15. . . . Please don't give me another athletic assignment for some time to come."--ED.

Obverse Indian


You state that [an] 1859 penny has an "unidentified" Indian on the obverse [TIME, Jan. 19]. If my information is correct, the model was not an Indian but was Sarah Longacre, then twelve years old. Miss Longacre posed for her father, who at that time was Chief Engraver for the Mint. . . .


Fort Wayne, Ind.

P: Reader Williams is right.--ED.

Money for Medical Care


Blue Cross's Roy E. Larsen [TIME, Jan. 19] chides the Federal Government for nonparticipation in Blue Cross "because of the difficulties of handling subscription payments without the cooperation of the employer."

Granting the desirability of employer cooperation, perhaps there is another reason: federal employees have their eyes on a better deal in medicine and prefer to cooperate to get it. There is no difficulty in handling subscription payments to the cooperative Group Health plan among the many federal and other public employees' groups which make up an important part of this organization. It is all handled by volunteer collectors. . . .

Let Blue Cross raise its sights back up to where they used to be, and it will get the cooperation of the employees, if not of the employer. If Dr. Hawley proves as successful in combating reaction in medicine as he was in combating incompetence in the Veterans Administration, perhaps the sights will go back up.

FREDRICK S. GRAM Director of Public Relations Group Health Association St. Paul, Minn.

P: Dr. Hawley's prime job is to raise the sights for the employee: "[We] have only one objective--that of offering the best in medical service at the lowest possible cost."--ED.

Huntington's Credit


Appreciated is your good article about the year-old Pacific Spectator [TIME, Jan. 19], the stoutest attempt yet made to give the West Coast a magazine devoted to ideas rather than to house & garden hints, cheesecake, or the self-admiration of Hollywood. . . . But reference to "U.C.L.A.'s Dixon Wecter" calls for a word of correction. I meet a seminar on that campus one afternoon a week one term a year, but my main job is at the Huntington Library, where for the past two years I have been Chairman of Research. Whatever dubious credit arises from possession thus belongs mostly to the Huntington.


San Marino, Calif.

A Thought for the Thrifty


I'm curious to know how many TIME readers, while digesting (no humor intended) the Cornell report on Cannibalism and English Columnist Nat Gubbins' subsequent play [TIME, Jan. 19], were struck by its remarkable similarity in concept to Jonathan Swift's Modest Proposal, a satire written over two centuries ago and incited by the starving conditions in Ireland at that time.


Columbia, S.C.

P: Dean Swift went a step further than Nat Gubbins: "Those who are more thrifty . . . may flay the carcass [of a small child]; the skin of which, artificially dressed, will make admirable gloves for ladies, and summer boots for fine gentlemen."--ED.

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